Carrie Fitts

Creative Uses for Pumpkins

Fall pumpkins
Pumpkins of many colors

Don’t throw away those pretty pumpkins after Halloween! There are many ways to use them.

For many people, fall means pumpkins. Don’t we all love piling up pumpkins near the front door? But, what do you do with all those porch pumpkins after Halloween? Don’t toss them; see our suggestions for creative uses for those large edible gourds.

Roast the seeds

Make a tasty and healthy treat by saving the seeds from your pumpkins and roasting them. Remove the seeds, wash them, and dry them between sheets of paper towel. Get them as dry as possible so that the seeds will be crunchy; if they are too wet, the seeds will steam during roasting, and your snack won’t be crisp and crunchy. Toss the dried seeds in a bowl with olive oil and spices such as sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. Place the seeds in a single layer onto a lightly greased sheet pan and roast at 350 degrees for about 12 to 15 minutes. To get them evenly browned, stir the seeds every five minutes. You’ll have golden brown crunchy goodness that the whole family can enjoy!

Roast the pumpkin seeds for a delicious homemade treat.

Turn used pumpkins into outdoor planters

Bring your pumpkins indoors and clean off any excess dirt. Cut a large hole in the top and scoop out the pulp and seeds from the inside. Take the pumpkins outside and turn them upside down; then drill three small holes in the bottom of each pumpkin to allow for drainage. Fill each pumpkin with dirt or potting soil, and remove potted mums from their pots. Shake off excess dirt, loosen the roots a bit, and place the flowers into the pumpkins. Wipe the pumpkins clean, water the plants, and you’ve got a lovely living plant display perfect for fall.

Transform used pumpkins into outdoor planters.

Create a fall centerpiece

Take an uncarved pumpkin and use it for your Thanksgiving centerpiece (see below ). Slice off the top, scoop out the seeds and pulp, and place a vase inside full of fresh or dried flowers.

Create a lovely fall centerpiece for your dining table.

Use an old pumpkin to create a “volcano” with the kids.

Make a pumpkin volcano with your kids

Impress your children with a hands-on science activity you can do at home. Using baking soda, vinegar, soap, and water, you can create an exploding volcano (see above ) right in your kitchen.

Convert mini pumpkins into candle holders

You can make candle holders for your table (see below ) by carving a hole that matches your candle size into the top of the pumpkin. This is best done with a drill bit that is the exact size of the candle–you can use tapers, votives, or tea lights.

Carve a hole into mini pumpkins to create candle holders.

Create a backyard bird sanctuary.

Create a backyard bird sanctuary

Repurpose those Halloween pumpkins by making bird feeders and a bird bath to attract songbirds to your yard (see above ). You will need a few tools and a little know-how, but the whole family will enjoy your creation.

Make a batch of hearty pumpkin soup

Peel, seed, and chop a pumpkin to use in a hearty pumpkin soup (see below ). Add chicken stock, butter, garlic, and a few other ingredients to create this rich and creamy fall soup.

Make a batch of hearty pumpkin soup.

Make your pumpkin puree to have on hand all year long.

Make your pumpkin puree

Cook and mash your pumpkin pieces and blend them until smooth. Freeze this pumpkin puree (see above ) and use in various ways–to make pumpkin bread, to add to smoothies, or even to create peanut butter/pumpkin treats for your dog.

Use leftover pumpkins in many ways

So, before you throw away your decorative pumpkins after Halloween, think of the many ways you can use them. From food to planters to science experiments, put those leftover pumpkins to good use.

—- Bottom Line —-

Fall is a delightful time to find a home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Call us at 205.248.7353 or send us a message. We’ll help you take your first step toward finding “A House That Fitts.”

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