Carrie Fitts

The Keys to Home Maintenance

With spring on the horizon, many homeowners turn their thoughts to spring cleaning. Who doesn’t love to open the windows, let in fresh air, and feel the spring breezes? But real home maintenance is a year-round job. It can feel like a daunting task, but regular routines of maintenance can simplify the job.

Start with the outdoors

Professional arborist trimming limbs

You may wish to contact a professional arborist to trim limbs
and remove trees. (Photo from

Check out your property from front to back, taking note of trees, shrubs, and grass. Are the trees too close to your home? Are there dead branches? If you suspect problems with trees, consult a professional arborist who can direct you to needed treatment. Make sure that the shrubs are properly proportioned for your home; overgrown shrubs that hide windows make a home feel neglected. Reseed bare spots in the yard, clean off sidewalks, and check to see that windows do not have peeling paint.

Check your gutters

Clogged gutters can cause leaks and water damage to your roof and siding. Gutters should ideally be cleaned out at least twice a year. You can hire a professional to clean them, usually for $75 to $225, depending on the size of your home. If you choose to clean them yourself, use caution when climbing a ladder.

Clogged gutters can cause many problems. (Photo from

Clean up the front entrance

An attractive front entrance means automatic curb appeal. (Photo from

The front door should be attractive and functional. If it needs painting or staining, take care of that. Maybe it just needs a good cleaning with a damp rag or a spray with a garden hose. Place some blooming plants in pots near the front door, and make sure you have a welcome mat. Updating your light fixtures, adding decorative trim to the front door, and painting the door a bold color are all ways to spruce up the entrance.

The front door gives the first impression of your home to all who enter, so make sure it is well-maintained. Check out the fun DIY suggestions from Better Homes and Gardens.

Declutter your garage or carport

Most of us store things in our garages or carports, but when the clutter takes over, it’s time to get organized. Spend a day going through the items you store–chances are some of them can be discarded.

Do you really need ten clay pots, or could you get by with fewer? How many of the coolers do you actually use? Consider installing cabinets, shelves, and hooks to help organize your things. You’ll be able to find things easily.

Aim for a neat, uncluttered garage. (Photo from

Deep clean your garage or carport

Once a year, you should give this space a thorough cleaning. Start by removing everything so that the floor is clear and easily accessed. Sweep and vacuum, making sure to remove cobwebs from the walls. A wet mop can help you scrub down the walls and floor, or you may wish to use a large sponge. If you find mold, you should contact a professional cleaning service.

Whether you’re looking to sell your home or planning to stay put, outdoor maintenance is a must. Your home will look better, and you will enjoy it more when it’s well-maintained.

—- Bottom Line —-

If you’re considering putting your house on the market, be sure to explore these five keys to home maintenance. Contact a Realtor® with Carrie Fitts Real Estate for more suggestions.

Call us at 205.248.7353 or send us a message. We’ll help you take your first step toward finding “A House That Fitts.”

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